All volunteers at Holy Cross must participate in (only) one CORI training and an annual background check. You can contact Lindsay Franzoni at (508) 238-2235 for more information. See The Essential 3 on the homepage to directly link to forms.
Holy Cross is committed to praying for and promoting vocations to priesthood and religious life, sacramental married life and supporting single people. Please continue to keep our entire parish family in your prayers as well as we all listen to the ways that God is calling us to cultivate and use God’s grace in our lives! Join fellow parishioners in taking about and planning activities promoting God’s call. For more information, please contact Father Brad at (508) 238-2235.
“Teacher which commandment in the law is the greatest?” Jesus said to them, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment”. Matthew 23:36
We are always in need of volunteers, and would welcome any teens and adults to join our team. Please contact the Director of Faith Formation, at 508-238-2235 or @ [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Cross is focused on: (1) giving our teens the tools needed to live a good moral life (2) promoting a personal relationship withJesus Christ through regular participation in liturgy and reception of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation; (3)show how to incorporate daily prayer and service to others as priorities in life. The Confirmation Preparation program at Holy Cross begins in Grade 9 and continues in Grade 10 (and beyond through service opportunities). Once a candidate has shown active participation in all aspects of the program for two years, the candidate is eligible to prepare for the rite and rituals of the sacrament. The sacrament will be conferred at a time to be determined by the Bishop's office due to COVID (it is normally in the Spring of the candidate’s second year of Confirmation preparation). For detailed information please contact Lindsay Franzoni the Director of Faith Formation at 508-238-2235 or email her at [email protected].
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ancient rite in the church restored at the Second Vatical Council. It is an important program in the church primarily for those who desire to become members of the Catholic Church–those who are unbaptized and baptized non-Catholics. Here at Holy Cross this program is also open to anyone who desires a “refresher” class in the Catholic faith. The OCIA program, led by a team of lay catechists, runs from September through Easter. For more information contact Nancy Donahue at (508) 230-9088.
Bible Study meets in the Parish Center on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. and on Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. weelkly from October to May. Please see the parish caledar for specific dates. Both groups cover the same material: a specific book of the Bible or a Bible theme. It is an opportunity to grow in the knowledge of Scripture and our Catholic faith. For more information, contact Fran Long at (508) 238-2255 or [email protected].
This group of parishioners meets in the parish library on the second Wednesday of the month from September to June, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. See parish calendar for dates. to discuss spiritual books, either current or classics. The discussions are lively, and participants find them both enjoyable and beneficial to their spiritual lives. For more information contact Nancy Breef-Pilz [email protected] or Deacon Gary Donahue [email protected].
Cursillo is an active three-day learning experience in basic Christianity featuring practical insights into an everyday life of faith and service. The weekend, held at Holy Cross Retreat House in Easton, is a back-to-basics approach to our relationship with God that deepens and rounds out what we may already know about our faith through prayer, reflection, group activities and fellowship. It is enjoyed by active and less active Christians alike.
For more information contact Maryann Farrell at [email protected] or Diane Cheevers at [email protected].
Two groups, for men and women who have lived Cursillo and are interested in growing in their faith through friendship and prayer, gather to support each other as we seek to live our everyday lives with Christ. We share our thoughts on how piety, study or Christian action have affected our lives, or a moment we felt especially close to Christ. The men’s group meets on Saturdays at 7:30 a.m., and the women’s group on the first and third Fridays at 7:00 p.m.
For more information contact Diane Cheevers at 508-577-4548 / [email protected] or Marty Reynolds at 617-388-1935 / [email protected]. DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS, PLEASE REACH OUT FOR UP TO DATE MEETING DETAILS.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word resumes at the 8:30 a.m. Mass through 5/21. Any children at Mass are invited to proceed with adult volunteers to hear the Children’s Liturgy of the Word and rejoin their families after the Homily. If you are interested in helping with this important ministry, please contact Lindsay Franzoni at [email protected] Thank you!
Serving at the Altar of the Lord is an important parish ministry for our younger parishioners beginning in 3rdgrade. Altar servers assist the priests and deacons in holding the Roman Missal while offering prayers, receiving the community’s gifts to God, serving at the Altar and other various tasks needed during liturgies, our communal times of prayer. If you are a parishioner and interested in serving, please contact Fr. Brad at 508-238-2235.
The liturgical ministries at Holy Cross Parish (or at any Catholic church) are the following: the Lector who proclaims the Word of God at our Sunday liturgy; the lay Communion Minister who assists with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and brings Communion to the sick and shut-ins in the parish; Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) who greet people at Sunday Mass, take up the collection and help seat people at Mass; and Altar Servers who assist the priest at Mass. For more information contact Father Brad at (508) 238-2235.
1. The Adult Choir sings weekly at the 10 AM Sunday Liturgy. We rehearse on Thursdays 4:30 to 5:30pm.
2. The Children's Choir sings weekly at the 8 30 Am Sunday Liturgy. We rehearse on Wednesday 6 to 7PM.
3. We will be providing music for the Sunday 5 30 PM liturgy with our teens Grade 7 thru 12. Singers and instrumentalists are encouraged to join. We will rehearse Sunday afternoons at 4 30pm before the 5 30 Mass.
Please consider joining any of these groups to help us enhance our liturgies to the glory of God.
Contact Chris Iannitelli at [email protected]
Each couple preparing to be married at Holy Cross Parish meets with a parish wedding coordinator to plan the processional and recessional of the ceremony. The wedding coordinator, along with the presider, runs the wedding rehearsal, and is present at the wedding to assist the wedding party. For more information contact Diane Cheevers at (508) 577-4548.
Our “God’s Squads” at Holy Cross are composed of men, women, teens and families who generously give their time for the maintenance of our worship space. We are divided into several teams that rotate cleaning the church with one team cleaning each week. Some of our duties include vacuuming, sweeping, polishing and dusting. The fruit of our labor is a clean and beautiful worship space for all to enjoy. Come and see if this ministry is for you. for more information contact Donna Cunha at (508) 238-1339.
This group of dedicated parishioners decorates the church for the various liturgical seasons and major feast days, such as Advent-Christmas and Lent-Easter. For more information contact Anne Iannitelli at (508) 580-0726.
Children in grades K through 5 are invited to spend one week over the summer learning about their faith and scripture through fun activities, including stories, song, dance, crafts and drama. Daily themes reinforce the general theme of each summer’s vacation bible week. For more information, contact Erin Dyment at (774) 218-0026..
Pack 193, sponsored by Holy Cross Parish, is part of the Boy Scouts of America. It is a family program designed for boys who are in the first grade through fifth grade. Parents, leaders, and organizations work together to achieve the 10 purposes of Cub Scouting: Character Development, Spiritual Growth, Good Citizenship, Sportsmanship and Fitness, Family Understanding, Respectful Relationships, Personal Achievement, Friendly Service, Fun and Adventure and Preparation for Boy Scouts. For more information contact Gene Dhooge.
The parish offers a monthly Friday movie night during the school year for children of the parish and the community. Adult and teen volunteers assist with refreshments and coordination of the evening, and the occasional “Parents Night Out” when child sitting is provided For more information contact Christy Solimine at (781) 690-0741 or [email protected].
The Finance Commission reviews on a monthly basis the financial stability of the parish. It assists the pastor in formulating the yearly budget, and guides him in major parish financial decisions. The commission seeks to educate and motivate parishioners in the practice of stewardship of time, talent and treasure for the spiritual and temporal well being of the parish community. For more information contact Craig Binney at (508) 238-1795.
This major parish fundraiser, held in June, includes prizes for closest to pin and longest drive, and cash prizes for the top three finishers, as well as a gift bag, concluding with dinner. For more information contact Rob Tarallo at (508) 238-4653.
The Parish Fall Festival offers families an opportunity to enjoy good entertainment, food, games, rides, crafts, raffles, and other fun activities while also supporting the parish in this family-oriented fundraiser. For more information contact Kevin Dixon at (508) 952-2066.
The Holly Fair, on the first Sunday of December, is another major fundraiser that is also a wonderful social activity of the parish. It offers “Breakfast with Santa” along with Christmas gifts that can be purchased, a large variety of raffle items, and homemade candy and pastry treats. For more information, please contact Christy Solimine at (508) 654-0266 or Claire Abate at (508) 230-7073.
The Social Action Commission coordinates all the parish outreach programs into the Easton and the Greater-Easton communities. The parish supports on a regular basis Birthright, Louison Shelter, MainSpring House, My Brother’s Keeper, Family and Community Resources, and Abundant Hope Pregnancy Resource Center, as well as the annual Giving Tree collection. This committee sponsors various activities throughout the year that allow the community to support each of these ministries. For more information contact Claire Smith at (508) 238-1899.
On the first Sunday of each month parishioners are invited to donate items, listed in the previous Sunday bulletin, in support of the ministries which Holy Cross Parish Supports: Birthright of Taunton, Louison Shelter, MainSpring House, My Brother’s Keeper, Family and Community Resources, and Abundant Hope Pregnancy Resource Center. Every weekend of the first Sunday of the month, food and supplies are brought to each mass for distribution to the above charities. Special efforts are made on behalf of these and other charities when the need arises. For more information contact Claire Abate at [email protected].
Inspired by Gospel values, the St. Vincent de Paul Society leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. The Holy Cross Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society serves the needs of the Easton community. Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a basic Rule. Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice.
The Respect Life Committee is committed to supporting our Holy Cross Mission by focusing our efforts specifically on the celebration of God’s gift of life. Our goal is to inspire through prayer, education and charity the respect for all human life from conception to natural death. The Committee sponsors activities that allow the community to unite in order to support and honor Life as a gift that should be cherished and protected. For more information, contact Claire Pacchielat at (508) 395-9746 or [email protected].
Abundant Hope Newsletter December 2020
Holy Cross Church Parishioners serve dinner on the third Saturday of each month at MainSpring House Shelter in Brockton. A sign-up board is placed in the church vestibule two weekends before each meal for specific needs. For more information or questions, please contact Cathy Downes at (508) 742-5957 or Kevin Dixon at (323) 251-0568.
The Louison Family Center is a facility that provides shelter to 24 families. Louison houses anywhere from 24 moms and dads and upwards of 35 kids at any given time. Holy Cross provides a monthly meal to the families at Louison. We also participate in the meal, often holding babies, playing with kids or just eating with the families. Holy Cross has provided this ministry for over 18 years. For more information contact Robin Durgin-King at (508) 824-3747.
The parish helps children living at Louison Shelter to celebrate their birthdays with bags that contain supplies for a festive birthday celebration. The parish periodically asks parishioners to donate balloons, candles, birthday decorations, birthday cards, cake fixings, birthday gift bags, and other items. If interested in donating toward or assisting with putting together these birthday bags, contact Christine Sierra at (508) 238-1696- or [email protected].
During the Advent Season our Giving Tree collects Christmas gifts for a number of needy families in the area referred to us by various local agencies or known to be in need by the pastoral team. The Giving Tree also collects donations for our sister parish, Lord of Hope, in Canto Grade, Lima, Peru. If you wish to asset with preparing the gifts to be picked up the agencies and families, please contact Patti Saganey at (508) 238-4306.
The Health Ministry and Parish Nurse Program of Holy Cross Church is founded on the principle that we bear witness to Jesus’ healing love, as proclaimed in the Gospel. We seek to extend that love to all in our faith community and beyond, as we strive to minister to their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through assessment, advocacy, referral, and education. Parish nurses, also called Faith Community Nurses, are licensed professional nurses (R.N.) who incorporate spiritual assessment and care into their practice as agents of the Health Ministry of Holy Cross Parish. Programs include monthly blood pressure screenings; masses with anointing of the sick; home, hospital and nursing home visits; CPR classes; the Prayer Shawl Ministry; health education and information. For more information or questions please contact Katherine Reynolds at [email protected] or 774-266-0670.
An outreach of the parish Health Ministry, the Holy Cross Parish Prayer Shawl Ministry strives to reach out to the people of the parish and the wider community, bringing the mystical reality of God into people’s lives using shawls as an outward sign. It is a ministry of prayer, community spirit and sharing. For more information contact Pat Brophy at (508) 238-2194.
The Church Family Life Commission coordinates various family-oriented social activities for the enjoyment of the parish community, fostering community building among parishioners and strengthening intergenerational bonds within the families of our parish community. For more information contact Kerry Pires or Kathleen Nardi.
Welcoming returning, inactive and questioning Catholics – If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church, or are questioning your faith, know that Holy Cross Parish has been thinking about you. We invite you to be an active part of us again. LANDINGS is an eight-week program that offers “a safe place to land”, a place for listening and for being heard, a place for asking questions and for reconnecting with the faith as an adult. During the eight-week LANDINGS program, a small group of active Catholics, some of them “returnees” themselves, meets with a small group of inactive or returning Catholics to share and explore their faith together. For more information contact Harold Smith at 508-238-1899.
The Holy Cross Intercessory Prayer Group meets on the last Wednesday of every month in Meeting Room 14 after the 9 a.m. mass. Prayers of intercession are offered for all of the petitions in the Parish Prayer Box. If you wish to place a name or intention in the Prayer Box or wish to be involved in this ministry, contact Fran Long at (508) 238-2255.
We Do Care helps young widows and widowers deal with their loss, supporting the individual and the family. Grief support groups, social meet ups, and events are planned throughout the year. For more information visit, or contact Julie Brennan at 774-274-8317.
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family, fraternal and service organization with 1.75 million members throughout the world. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people. Instituted on June 27, 1897, Easton Council 238 covers the parishes of Immaculate Conception and Holy Cross in Easton. For information visit or contact Rich Hustins.
We are charitable women coming together in prayer and charity. We help those that need our help, in service, donations or friendship. As Catholic women and disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to minister with love, mercy, grace, respect and justice to all humanity regardless of age, race nationality or background. We are Women living their faith, through positive influences in our daily lives and our community.
Our meetings rotate between Holy Cross Church and Immaculate Conception. We meet the second Wednesday of the month. Watch the bulletin for details about what's coming up.
For more information contact Stephanie Coose at 508-944-2235.